Update your e-mail address


If you haven't been receiving the weekly "MailChimp" information, usually sent each Friday, please confirm your e-mail address.


In this time, that communication is done virtually, it is important for each of us to receive timely information. Each week, usually on Fridays, the congregation office sends out an e-newsletter using the MailChimp marketing platform. 

However, over the last week, we've been informed that not everyone is receiving this. This could be for a number of reasons: errors in e-mail addresses, expired or no longer used e-mail addresses, or perhaps someone may have clicked "unsubscribed" at some point. 

To improve our communication, and if you are not receiving the "This week..." mailing, click the button below to send us the correct information.

If you would no longer like to be on the distribution list, please let us know that as well. 

The Congregation office