Latvian school

Thank you for your interest in the Washington DC Latvian school! Our school's mission is to educate children in the Latvian language and culture within an atmosphere of Christian fellowship.

The 2024/2025 school year begins on September 8th. In order to prepare in a timely manner, we ask that you register your children by August 14th, 2024. Registrations received after August 14th will be subject to a tuition increase of $25 per student. Registration forms can be submitted electronically to or can be sent through the mail to DC Latvian School, 400 Hurley Ave., Rockville, MD 20833. Checks should be made out to "Latvian Lutheran Church of Washington".

We look forward to seeing you!

DC Latvian School

Tuition per semester is $210 per child for ages 4 to 14. (If there are more than 2 children from one family enrolled in the DC Latvian school, the tuition fee for the third child and each consecutive child ir $160.) Members of the Latvian Lutheran Church of Washington DC receive a discounted tuition rate of $160 for the first two children. The rate drops to $135 for a third child (and each consecutive child after the first two).

Zaķīšu playgroup tuition is $185 for the school year for ages 2 to 4.

Tuition payments can be made on the congregation's website by employing the "Donate" button.

*If paying the tuition creates financial hardship for your family please contact either or our pastor, māc. Anita

The school fee can be paid using PayPal. You don't have to have a personal PayPal account to use this. Enter the amount and use "Write a note" to provide detail of the payment.

A look back at the 2019/2020 school year